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Continued Professional Development

“Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other.” -Paulo Freire (1970)


Teaching practice represents to me the idea of continually being challenged and rewarded in my career. I feel this is the key to engagement and fulfillment in a bid to reach self actualisation. I will break my continued professional development into the three strands of my profession; teacher, designer/artist and researcher.


In my teaching practice, the next phase will be the DROICHEAD, which will invite me to reflect on my own and other’s teaching practices and receive feedback from experienced colleagues. I look forward to this as I feel drawn to watching others in their teaching practice with a view to broadening my experiences of the classroom. In attainment of the Droichead, I intend to continue this practice and want to encourage these ‘open door’ teaching practices as a whole school attitude. Following this phase, the COSAN is a framework set up to encourage teachers in their reflective practice  and to share in this practice with their colleagues. Although I have established my reflective practice, I look forward to seeing what this framework can teach me and introduce to this practice. Finally, I look forward to sustaining my community of practice (CoP) with my fellow PME students who will be scattered around the country and all bring different experiences to the community. This is an invaluable group as we all are starting with a similiar experience in education and now will be growing out in different directions.


In my design and art practice, my first goal is to continue to develop my toolkit in terms of what media I am familiar with. Fortunately, in teaching I have my summers to explore new art practices and develop those I already love such as painting and printmaking. I look forward to also using the CoP as a resource for help with projects and feedback. In addition, we can also socially sustain our art and design engagement through gallery visits and art and design talks and workshops. As far as my design work, I luckily find reasons to use design on an almost daily basis and will develop more ways to introduce it into my teaching methods so that it will always be a continued practice.


CoP Gallery visit at LCGA for the
Diana Copperwhite – ONOMATOPOEIA Exhibit

Finally, as a researcher I feel I have only just opened the door on the subject matter I would like to explore (Research). Teaching is such a fascinating subject as it explores some of the most interesting topics such as psychology, sociology, communication, and motivation. All these topics are inherently interesting to me and I look forward to carrying on learning more about them. All these things will equip me with the resources I need to be the best teacher possible and create the change I want to see in the world.

Freire, P. (1970) Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Seabury Press.

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